Work burnout is sometimes used as a diagnosis for another condition. Unfortunately, many people use work burnout as an excuse to avoid getting help for other, more serious problems in their lives. Work burnout is also a common term used to identify the very real physical and psychological symptoms that come along with persistent chronic workplace stress. It takes a great toll emotionally when work requires you to constantly increase your efforts, day in and day out.
Burnout starts to affect you when you start to feel overexcites and unappreciated. You may start to resent your employer or colleagues. You may start to feel drained of all your energy and productivity. Work burnout symptoms vary from person to person. They may start slowly and steadily build up over time. You may start with short-term disorientation and discomfort, followed by full blown burnout if your work demands are too demanding for your mental and physical resources.
Work burnout develops when your workload never decreases. You work for long hours and never seem to get any relief. This leads to feelings of worthlessness and depression. These feelings become magnified by the guilt that accompanies chronic stress because you know that you are not receiving enough compensation for your workload. Workplace burnout develops when you are constantly pushed to the limit and cannot deal with the increased pressure or the constant challenge of meeting unrealistic goals.
Workplace stress is often a symptom of a mental health issue. Many times, people who are under too much stress at work become irrational and they become depressed. They cannot accept the workload that is assigned to them. When they are not getting enough compensation they will seek some form of emotional relief. They can turn to work burnout.
Workplace burnout can be the result of physical exhaustion, but it is not always the case. You may not be physically exhausted, but you may also feel mentally exhausted. It is important to recognize the symptoms of occupational illness and work burnout so that you can make better decisions for your own safety. If you have work burnout, talk to your boss. Make arrangements with him or her so that you can take advantage of their Sick Time Recognition Program (SHARP).
Work stress may be the result of emotional stress that is more complicated. If you feel that you have lost your job or you are constantly being pressured to meet unrealistic goals, you might start to develop work burnout. Recognize the symptoms and take steps to manage them so that they do not become unmanageable. With regular wellness checkups and your boss’ approval, you can successfully manage your work burnout.